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Leap Day 2020

I’ll tell you friends, yesterday – Leap Day – I spent several hours not only reading but also devising a new writing plan for 2020, what a great way to spend the extra day!

In this revised plan of mine I'm dedicating more time to romance writing, journaling and submitting to magazines. Admittedly, I've been stagnant for a while and for my own sanity (as artists we need to give the creative outlet room, lots of room) I need to write and often. Adding to my excitement is knowing that the romance writing community is being revitalized; there’s light at the end of the tunnel, folks.

In closing, I want to remind my followers that my quarterly newsletter will be published at the end of this month, so please subscribe if you haven’t already. Oh, and as a thank you for signing up you’ll be able to download a free flash fiction story.

Happy Sunday!



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