JL Regen is a published photojournalist and has taught special education and English as a Second Language to students around the globe.
How long have you been writing?
I've been writing since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I knew at ten that I wanted to be a novelist. I started out as a journalist and am proud to say that I've taught many students the nuances of creative writing—here in the States and overseas.
Who’s your favorite author?
One of my favorite authors is Fyodor Dostoyevsky. I've read all of his books. Dostoyevsky was a master at combining drama, suspense, and heart-stopping action. I started reading Dostoyevsky when I was nine years old; I was riveted to the page, still am, especially The Brothers Karamozov.
What are you working on currently?
Right now, I'm editing my WWII historical suspense (with a romantic element). This is a labor of love and a tribute to my beloved uncle, who served in WWII as a medic and earned a Purple Heart.
Tell us a little bit about your writing, what is the process like?
As to the process with my writing, I used to do everything from memory but with a teaching job, it's a lot to keep in my head so I now do extensive outlines, I need that roadmap to keep me on track as I write my chapters and scenes. I did tons of research for my historical. My uncle left me so much material that it took me months just to review it. Fascinatingly, this research gave me a different perspective on him as before I only knew him as a brilliant pharmacist and loving uncle. The information my uncle provided has paved the way for my novel.
What is your favorite genre?
I enjoy suspense with a romantic element.
JL Regen is the author of Secret Desires which is now available in e-book, paperback, and audio book format. JL can be reached at joan@joansbookshelf.com.
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