Independence Day is really longer than a day
4 is the day we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but
not all 56 eventual signers signed that day, few others signed the original a
few days later on July 8th. Most members of the Second Continental
Congress did not sign the Declaration of Independence until August 2nd.
Why red, white and blue?
common story is that the colors represent purity and innocence (white),
hardiness and valor (red), and vigilance, perseverance and justice (blue). The
colors of the flag, however, may simply have been chosen because it was
designed after the British Union Jack.
Why the fireworks?
on the Fourth of July is a tradition dating back to 1777, the first anniversary
of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. John Adams wrote in a
letter to his wife that he wanted Independence Day to be celebrated
with parade, shows, and “Illuminations”, hence the splashy show put on
in present day.
Source: Daily New | Lifestyle
Enjoy the holiday friends!
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