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I know what you are, but what am I? Erotica, Sensual Romance, Smexy??

Okay, so we write smut, that much is a given, but do you ever find yourself asking "Okay, so I write romance, but in what category does my writing really fall under?" Well here's my quick and dirty rendition of some of the most popular sub-genres in modern day romance. I know some of you will disagree with these descriptions, but IMO these are pretty much on the money.

Erotica contains minimal if any emotional attachments between the leading characters. Erotica is also sexually explicit (language) and the plot is driven by the sexual relationship/s. The sex in erotica can also take on different aspects, including dominance, bondage, voyeurism, poly-amorous relationships, and so forth. The story may/may not have HEA for the characters and if the story does include HEA it might not be in the traditional romance sense.

Erotic Romance
Erotic romance exists when the story line contains a love story. Erotic romance is romantic just as it is sexually explicit. In erotic romance, both the sexual and emotional aspects of the relationship are integral to the plot. Also, in erotic romance the sex may deviate from the conventional and may include three or more partners. The story can and normally does have HEA for the characters, and typically the HEA occurs in the traditional romance sense.

Sensual Romance
Sensual Romance is spicy and steamy, but not necessarily sexually explicit (language). Sensual romance may include fantasy and games, passionate activities that are a bit naughty. Sensual romance is driven by the romantic relationship and normally contains lots of sexual tension. In sensual romance the relationship is primarily monogamous. The story does have to have a HEA for the characters, and the HEA almost always occurs in the traditional romance sense.

Contemporary Romance
Contemporary romance is set in present time and focuses primarily on the emotional attachment between the leading characters. Contemporary romance is heavy on the relationship and not very sexually explicit. In contemporary romance the relationship is primarily monogamous and the sex doesn't normally deviate from the conventional  The story does have to have a HEA for the characters, and the HEA almost always occurs in the traditional romance sense.

Smexy Romance
Smexy is a blend of smart and sexy as defined by Wikipedia. Elements of smexy romance occur when the characters (hero/heroine) are smart, sassy, and of course very sexy. A lot of smexy romance is attributed to Chick-Lit since the 'sassiness' that’s brought forth from the leading men and women are often humorous in nature. The story may/may not have HEA for the characters and if the story does include HEA almost always occurs in the traditional romance sense.

Hope this helped some of you better of classify your writing. Until next time friends!


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